Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How To Achieve Great Body Without Going to a Gym!

The other day, my friends asked to join them to the local fitness club. I thought it would not be a bad idea. Many people young and old are now aware of the importance of exercise. If you are not, please..exercise is important not only for our body but also for our mind.

I have always believed that you have a much better chance of reaching your fitness goals if you join a gym and get advice from a professional trainer or coach. You need to spend a bit of money, but it's worth it. Some people get the excuse of saying that they are busy and that they can have exercise at home. I believe that working out home has its disadvantages, but the one huge advantage it does have is…you don’t have to leave the house!

If you are one of these people that plans to workout at home then this article is for you! Ok ok, so, we don't have to join a gym and we still can have the same result. Here are the secrets (duhh... )

1. Don’t waste your money on “miracle” gym equipment

Getting in shape takes time, motivation and hard work. If you are not willing to put in those three things then you may as well not start. Avoid gym equipment that says “get in shape in 5 minutes a day”, or “flatter abs in 14 days”. These types of equipment are a total waste of money! You can literally do hundreds of exercises just using a set of dumbbells and a barbell, and these happen to be some of the cheapest pieces of gym equipment. If you are unsure of what equipment best suits your needs you should consult a fitness professional.

2. Wherever possible, use your bodyweight

If you have limited equipment, bodyweight exercises are your friend. You can potentially pack on a huge amount of muscle without ever lifting a dumbbell or barbell. Good bodyweight exercises to do at home include chin ups, wide grip pull ups, dips, bench dips, push ups and bodyweight rows.

3. Plan your diet around your workouts

If you have the flexibility of working out at home then you also have the ability to plan your meals around your workouts. Diet makes up 70% of the building muscle process so you can see how important it is. Make sure you eat a good serve of complex carbohydrates about one hour before your workout and a nutritious meal containing protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals within 1 hour of finishing your workout. You should spread your meals out evenly throughout the day. Eat six small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. This promotes a fast metabolism and limits fat storage.

Results in fitness are dependent on a three-part formula of lifestyle choices. One part of the formula does not work well without the other parts. Those who have tried one or two without the third know something is missing. A healthy body can provide you with a healthy mind, increased energy and stamina, more productivity and self-confidence. Here are the three parts:

1. Cardiovascular training

2. Resistance and weight training

3. Balanced nutrition

Now, the questions are why, what, when, where and how? Many people diet without exercise and others exercise without eating right. Their intentions are good yet they don’t get the results they want so badly to achieve.

Allow me to simplify basic fitness and balanced nutrition principles. In the informational age in which we live, people are confused with what to do, so they do nothing. To tell you the truth, achieving the “ideal” body isn’t easy, you have to put effort, consistency, and commitment to achieve your desired results.

It is very important to develop a positive mindset. If you think it’s impossible, it will be. If you think you can, you will. Everything is in your mind. To get better understanding of how this mind work, please visit my blog: http://kwiklinx.blogspot.com .I can’t speak strongly enough how important your mindset, mental thoughts, and self-talk play such an important role on your results.

Before I finish, I want to show you this slide show. Do you want to have a body like one of these people??? Wow!!!

By Simon

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